Week in Review 2.24.19

I’m working on becoming more reflective, so I found a series of questions to use to reflect back on my week. I think this will also call for me to be more present throughout my day to day life which is something else I’ve been working on. I figured, why not review it on my blog?! So here goes…

Q: Who made you feel good this week? A: All the people who took time to read my first blog post and share a kind comment.

Q: What was the biggest mistake you made this week? A: I think my biggest mistake this week was not prioritizing time to get to therapy. I’d prefer to go weekly but this week it just didn’t work out.

Q: What did you do this week that moved you closer to reaching your goals? A: I started my blog! I also have started writing basically everyday which was one of my goals for the year to get back into writing for my book.

Q: Is there anything you did this week that you wish you’d done differently? A: I wish that I had managed my time better. There are times where I am super productive and times where I am not. I am working on it. Over the last few months my mental health has taken a huge hit. Subsequently, my motivation to do a lot of things has certainly dwindled. I think I’m slowly starting to come out of the “auto-pilot phase” as my mom and I called it and I’m moving back into reality. So things from this past year are really starting to hit me…hard. I’m working on it though, that’s for sure.

Q: What did you enjoy most this week? A: Going to the movies with Chase and Zanai. We had a really fun time and the movie was too cute. I actually cried at the end and Zanai said to Chase “why is she crying?” Lol, she’s the kid and I’m the adult crying at a kids movie. I’m sensitive, what can I say?!

Q: How did you procrastinate on important tasks this week? A: I think a better question is how didn’t I ha? I’m a procrastination queen so I’m really not sure that there was a time that I didn’t. Well, okay, I was really proactive at work, I got a lot of odds and ends taken care of so that was awesome. I also didn’t put off sitting down to write as I have been doing the last few months so I think that’s a win!

Q: What did you learn this week? A: I learned that, there may be something here for me with this whole writing thing. I also learned that one of my strengths is my positivity and that I’m not fake positive. It is embedded in me to be this way. That’s the only real way I know how to function and I didn’t quite realize that until this week. I felt like people kept telling me I’m so positive but maybe it was just a facade because some of my days are just plain shitty. But you can have a bad day, or two, or ten, and still be a beam of positivity. The two things are not congruent.

Q: What’s the funniest thing that happened to you this week? A: I think that would be when I found a hole in my pants that I had been wearing ALL DAY LONG lol. Luckily it wasn’t super visible so I think I’m the only one who actually noticed it.

This week was a better week than I’ve had in a while. I’m really happy with that because some weeks are just extremely daunting. Leave me a comment and let me know how your week was and one good thing that happened to you!

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